Progress on Lourdes' Story

Excitement is brewing as "The Coffiner of Escondido" inches closer to its big reveal! Here's a quick update on where we stand in this thrilling journey.

Right now, I'm knee-deep in the design phase with the publishers. Every page layout feels like a step closer to seeing the story take shape as it was meant to be. Soon, the task of creating the book cover will kick off, setting the stage for what readers will see on shelves and screens. I have some great ideas already.

There's a mix of excitement and a touch of nerves, as expected. People reading your work always feels a little raw and unnerving. It's the typical blend of emotions that comes with getting ready to share something you've poured your heart into. But it's this anticipation that's keeping me fueled and moving forward.

One of the most exciting parts? Imagining how this story might ignite creativity in others. Stories have this beautiful way of inspiring people, and I can't wait to see what "The Coffiner of Escondido" might spark in someone else's imagination. It is incredible to see how it is inspiring the people working on the layout and design.

We're aiming for a spring or early summer release, and every passing day brings us closer to that moment. It's been a journey filled with dedication and passion, and the support along the way has been incredible.

So, to everyone waiting for "The Coffiner of Escondido," hang tight! The story is almost ready to step out into the world, and I couldn't be more thrilled to share it with you all.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the big reveal!

All my best,
