Exciting Update: “The Coffiner of Escondido” is Almost Here!

Dear readers and friends,

I'm excited to share a quick update on The Coffiner of Escondido! The layout and cover design are all set and have gone to printing. Soon, you'll be able to find physical copies at major booksellers and, of course, on Amazon.

But that's not all—we're also working on an e-reader version to ensure you can enjoy the book your way. The print version is on track to be out in the next few months, and we're aiming to have the e-version ready soon after.

I can't believe we're almost there! This has been a long time coming, and I'm thrilled about the prospect of finally sharing The Coffiner of Escondido with you all.

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to dive into Lourdes’ world very soon!

