Ice Ballet and The End

Today, I have finished the story of Lourdes Peña – her final chapter penned. It has been a long and challenging path, where I learned much about writing and possibilities. Now, I have weeks of rewrites and edits ahead of me, which I will fall into gladly with the knowledge I am refining the story of her life and making her more accessible.  


We are in the midst of a plague appearing to reach almost biblical proportions. It seems to be worse everyday now. Yesterday, I saw something that, for me, summed up much of the surrealism mixed with the hope I have been witnessing and contemplating. A young couple flawlessly performed ballet in the empty, quiet, and iced-over street - with jumps, pirouettes, grand stretches, and bends, I think with much the same grace they might have delivered on stage. They did this in complete silence. It was stunning. I wanted to stay and watch or photograph them. But I felt intrusive, and my hands were full with all the equipment I was schlepping from my office to take home so I could work and other items to drop off to a colleague. It was a story in its own right. Time stood still for a few moments while they spun.

Stay well

K. Cummins Photo

K. Cummins Photo