A Letter to You: Under a Harvest Moon

Dear Reader,

As I sit down to write to you today, I look forward to the harvest moon and a lunar eclipse lighting up the sky tonight—an auspicious time for reflection, gathering, and releasing. These moments ask us to look inward, to consider what we’ve cultivated and what we’re ready to let go of. In many ways, this mirrors the journey within The Coffiner of Escondido.

Credit: Darkfoxelixir - Shutterstock

Lourdes Peña, the central figure in the novel, has always been a character marked by what she gathers—the spirits, the art, the strength—and what she must ultimately release. Her story is one of resilience, but also of surrender to forces beyond her control. Like the harvest, it’s about reaping what has been sown, and like the eclipse, it’s about allowing certain shadows to pass so new light can emerge.

If you’ve already joined me on this journey, I thank you for the support, for reading and reflecting on Lourdes’ world. If you haven’t yet stepped into her story, this might be the perfect time. Lourdes, with her gifts as an artisan and clairvoyant, creates coffins—works of art that reveal her connection to the spirit world. Yet, much like the moon itself, she is caught between light and shadow, isolated by her talents, yet shaped by them.

As one reader wrote:
"This is a deep and intricate book that shows us being different has a price." Another reflected,
"Each sentence paints an immersive picture... Lourdes’ decisions shape her life and the lives around her."

Under this harvest moon, as we reflect on what we carry and what we release, I invite you to discover, or rediscover, The Coffiner of Escondido. Signed copies are available through my website here, or you can find the book on Amazon and other booksellers.

May this day of lunar reflection bring clarity and renewal for us all.
